Concert de Noël 2021 – Koncert kolędowy – Vánoční koncert

Bractwo Śpiewu Tradycyjnego w Luksemburgu & Kapela Janiszewskich, Church of Strassen (Luxembourg)

The Brotherhood of Traditional Song in Luxembourg / La Confrérie du chant traditionnel au Luxembourg

Bractwo Śpiewu Tradycyjnego w Luksemburgu & Kapela Janiszewskich

Concert recorded in the church of Strassen – G.D. Luxembourg on the 11th of December 2021



8 chansons (env. 30 minutes) – 8 songs (about 30 minutes)

Extraits du concert – Selection of carols (Video in HD Format)

Alma redemptoris Mater

traditional Corsican

Božič stiže

traditional Serbian

Dubrovačka kolenda

traditional Croatian

Vo stranie judejskoj

traditional Ukrainian

Iszla Kaliada

traditional Belarusian

Vracaja sa dom

Lyrics and melody Josef Kainar (Czech)

Jezu śliczny kwiecie

traditional Polish

Membres de la chorale – Members of the choir

Conductor: Henryk Mazur

  • Vladimír Bärtl – Czech
  • Gorazd Bezlaj – Slovenian
  • Colin Fraser – Scottish
  • Daniel Karzel – Czech/Polish
  • Henryk Mazur – Polish
  • Michael Müller – German Jan Sedlaček – Czech
  • Danijel Stanković – Croatian
  • Adam Wiejak – Polish
  • Marcin Wierzbicki – Polish

Kapela Janiszewskich

  • Violin: Katarzyna Janiszewska
  • Accordion: Krzysztof Janiszewski

Special guest: Pavla Kolářová (keyboard)
Accordion: Danijel Stanković
Double bass: Jan Sedlacek
Presentation: Daniel Karzel 

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